
Showing posts from August, 2022

Shall We begin?

 I have been parenting a long time.  Next month will be 23 years since our first child was born but I actually began to parent her before her birth.  Once I learned I was pregnant, the parenting journey began.  Our fifth child will be 10 soon and we are navigating more tweens, teens and young adult parenting activities and challenges.  There were so many scenarios, conflicts, struggles and joys that happened in the earlier years of parenting our children and I don't want to forget them!   It is my hope that this can be a place where I can remember, share and teach others some of what I learned along the way before it becomes distant memories and shadows of the past.  I also work with families and young children as my chosen or pre-destined career path as a public health nurse.  Home visitation, maternal child health education and the standards of infant and early childhood mental health are my driving force professionally.   A supervisor once described how I live my life as a very